World Championship Football Brazil 2014 - kids playing football on the beach

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 - German fans with Brazilian girls

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 - The Netherlands and Argentina fans

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 - Argentina fans

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 - Argentina fan

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 - Brazil fan

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 - Taxi

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 - Netherlands fans

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 - Netherlands fans

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 The Netherlands fan

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 - Argentina fans

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 - Brazil fans

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 - Argentina fans

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 - Riot Police

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 - kids playing football on the beach

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 - Brazil fan

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 - Netherlands fans

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 - Netherlands fans

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 - Argentina fans

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 - Photo reporter

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 - Argentina fan

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 - Germany fans

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 - Germany and Argentina fan

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 -

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 - German fan

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 - Riot Police

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 - Brazil fan fans

World Championship Football Brazil 2014 - Me shot in the face with a rubber bullet